Portfolio Coding

Escape Chicago

A choose your own advanture game that uses the power of React and MongoDB.

GitHub Repo

Rate It

An app from a group project that scrapes photos and gifs from Giphy and Pixabay and allows a user to attach a rating and comment. The team used Github and Firebase.

GitHub Repo

Crew Hub

A bulletin board app that uses MySQL and the sequelize Node package.

GitHub Repo

Eat Da Burger

A full stack application using Node.js, Express, MySQL, Handlebars, and Bootstrap. The gif in the app is Halifax Burger Week by Stephen Wayne Piercey.

GitHub Repo

Tech Crunch News Commenter

A news scrapping app for Tech Crunch using cheerio, mongoDB, and mongoose.

GitHub Repo

Friend Finder

A simple app using node and express to compare responses to a social quiz.

GitHub Repo